腾讯云 Elasticsearch Service】高可用,可伸缩,云端全托管。集成X-Pack高级特性,适用日志分析/企业搜索/BI分析等场景

目前这个功能还是处于试验阶段。在未来的版本中可能会出现变化。基于 Vector(向量)的打分目前分为一下两种:

它们都是基于功能进行评分的。在实际的使用中,我们必须注意的是:向量函数的计算过程中,所有匹配的文档均被线性扫描。 因此,期望查询时间随匹配文档的数量线性增长。 因此,我们建议使用查询参数限制匹配文档的数量。


我们首先创建一个叫做 books 的索引,并定义它的 mapping 如下:

PUT books{  "mappings": {    "properties": {      "author": {        "type": "text",        "fields": {          "keyword": {            "type": "keyword",            "ignore_above": 256          }        }      },      "category": {        "type": "text",        "fields": {          "keyword": {            "type": "keyword",            "ignore_above": 256          }        }      },      "format": {        "type": "text",        "fields": {          "keyword": {            "type": "keyword",            "ignore_above": 256          }        }      },      "isbn13": {        "type": "text",        "fields": {          "keyword": {            "type": "keyword",            "ignore_above": 256          }        }      },      "pages": {        "type": "long"      },      "price": {        "type": "float"      },      "publisher": {        "type": "text",        "fields": {          "keyword": {            "type": "keyword",            "ignore_above": 256          }        }      },      "rating": {        "type": "float"      },      "release_year": {        "type": "date",        "format": "strict_year"      },      "title": {        "type": "text",        "fields": {          "keyword": {            "type": "keyword",            "ignore_above": 256          }        }      },      "vector_recommendation": {        "type": "dense_vector",        "dims": 3      }    }  }}

然后,我们使用 bulk API 接口来导入数据:

PUT books/_bulk{ "index" : { "_id" : "database-internals" } }{"isbn13":"978-1492040347","author":"Alexander Petrov", "title":"Database Internals: A deep-dive into how distributed data systems work","publisher":"O'Reilly","category":["databases","information systems"],"pages":350,"price":47.28,"format":"paperback","rating":4.5, "release_year" : "2019", "vector_recommendation" : [3.5, 4.5, 5.2]}{ "index" : { "_id" : "designing-data-intensive-applications" } }{"isbn13":"978-1449373320", "author":"Martin Kleppmann", "title":"Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems","publisher":"O'Reilly","category":["databases" ],"pages":590,"price":31.06,"format":"paperback","rating":4.4, "release_year" : "2017", "vector_recommendation" : [5.9, 4.4, 6.8]}{ "index" : { "_id" : "kafka-the-definitive-guide" } }{"isbn13":"978-1491936160","author":[ "Neha Narkhede", "Gwen Shapira", "Todd Palino"], "title":"Kafka: The Definitive Guide: Real-time data and stream processing at scale", "publisher":"O'Reilly","category":["databases" ],"pages":297,"price":37.31,"format":"paperback","rating":3.9, "release_year" : "2017", "vector_recommendation" : [2.97, 3.9, 6.2]}{ "index" : { "_id" : "effective-java" } }{"isbn13":"978-1491936160","author": "Joshua Block", "title":"Effective Java", "publisher":"Addison-Wesley", "category":["programming languages", "java" ],"pages":412,"price":27.91,"format":"paperback","rating":4.2, "release_year" : "2017", "vector_recommendation" : [4.12, 4.2, 7.2]}{ "index" : { "_id" : "daemon" } }{"isbn13":"978-1847249616","author":"Daniel Suarez", "title":"Daemon","publisher":"Quercus","category":["dystopia","novel"],"pages":448,"price":12.03,"format":"paperback","rating":4.0, "release_year" : "2011", "vector_recommendation" : [4.48, 4.0, 8.7]}{ "index" : { "_id" : "cryptonomicon" } }{"isbn13":"978-1847249616","author":"Neal Stephenson", "title":"Cryptonomicon","publisher":"Avon","category":["thriller", "novel" ],"pages":1152,"price":6.99,"format":"paperback","rating":4.0, "release_year" : "2002", "vector_recommendation" : [10.0, 4.0, 9.3]}{ "index" : { "_id" : "garbage-collection-handbook" } }{"isbn13":"978-1420082791","author": [ "Richard Jones", "Antony Hosking", "Eliot Moss" ], "title":"The Garbage Collection Handbook: The Art of Automatic Memory Management","publisher":"Taylor & Francis","category":["programming algorithms" ],"pages":511,"price":87.85,"format":"paperback","rating":5.0, "release_year" : "2011", "vector_recommendation" : [5.1, 5.0, 1.3] }{ "index" : { "_id" : "radical-candor" } }{"isbn13":"978-1250258403","author": "Kim Scott", "title":"Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity","publisher":"Macmillan","category":["human resources","management", "new work"],"pages":404,"price":7.29,"format":"paperback","rating":4.0, "release_year" : "2018", "vector_recommendation" : [4.0, 4.0, 9.2] }

这样我们的索引 books 中有8个文档。我们仔细地查看一下我们输入的数据,它里面含有一个叫做 vecto_recommendation 的字段

"vector_recommendation" : [3.5, 4.5, 5.2]
  • 向量里的第一个数据3.5,实际上是我们的在这个文档里的 pages 除以100而得到的。如果这本书的页数越多,则表示这个数值越大。它的范围在0-10之间
  • 向量里的第二个数据是这本书的 rating,也即评价。这个值在这个文档里的 rating 项可以查到。范围在0-5之间
  • 向量里的第三个数据是书的价钱,这个值越低表明,价钱越贵,因为我们都喜欢便宜一点的书籍。0代表100元以上,10则表示10元以下的书

在上面的 mapping 中,我们是这样定义的:

      "vector_recommendation": {        "type": "dense_vector",        "dims": 3      }

它定义了这个 vector_recommendation 的类型是 dense_vector,它是一个3维的向量。




GET books/_search{  "query": {    "script_score": {      "query": {        "match_all": {}      },      "script": {        "source": "cosineSimilarity(params.query_vector, doc['vector_recommendation']) + 1.0",        "params": {          "query_vector": [            1,            5,            10          ]        }      }    }  }}

在这里,我们使用 script_score。如果你对这个不是很了解的话,可以参阅我之前的文章 “Elasticsearch:使用function_score及soft_score定制搜索结果的分数”来做更进一步的了解。


cosineSimilarity(params.query_vector, doc['vector_recommendation']) + 1.0



      "params": {          "query_vector": [            1,            5,            10          ]        }


    "hits" : [      {        "_index" : "books",        "_type" : "_doc",        "_id" : "radical-candor",        "_score" : 1.9568613,        "_source" : {          "isbn13" : "978-1250258403",          "author" : "Kim Scott",          "title" : "Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity",          "publisher" : "Macmillan",          "category" : [            "human resources",            "management",            "new work"          ],          "pages" : 404,          "price" : 7.29,          "format" : "paperback",          "rating" : 4.0,          "release_year" : "2018",          "vector_recommendation" : [            4.0,            4.0,            9.2          ]        }      },      {        "_index" : "books",        "_type" : "_doc",        "_id" : "kafka-the-definitive-guide",        "_score" : 1.9520907,        "_source" : {          "isbn13" : "978-1491936160",          "author" : [            "Neha Narkhede",            "Gwen Shapira",            "Todd Palino"          ],          "title" : "Kafka: The Definitive Guide: Real-time data and stream processing at scale",          "publisher" : "O'Reilly",          "category" : [            "databases"          ],          "pages" : 297,          "price" : 37.31,          "format" : "paperback",          "rating" : 3.9,          "release_year" : "2017",          "vector_recommendation" : [            2.97,            3.9,            6.2          ]        }      },      {        "_index" : "books",        "_type" : "_doc",        "_id" : "daemon",        "_score" : 1.9394372,        "_source" : {          "isbn13" : "978-1847249616",          "author" : "Daniel Suarez",          "title" : "Daemon",          "publisher" : "Quercus",          "category" : [            "dystopia",            "novel"          ],          "pages" : 448,          "price" : 12.03,          "format" : "paperback",          "rating" : 4.0,          "release_year" : "2011",          "vector_recommendation" : [            4.48,            4.0,            8.7          ]        }      },      {        "_index" : "books",        "_type" : "_doc",        "_id" : "effective-java",        "_score" : 1.9305289,        "_source" : {          "isbn13" : "978-1491936160",          "author" : "Joshua Block",          "title" : "Effective Java",          "publisher" : "Addison-Wesley",          "category" : [            "programming languages",            "java"          ],          "pages" : 412,          "price" : 27.91,          "format" : "paperback",          "rating" : 4.2,          "release_year" : "2017",          "vector_recommendation" : [            4.12,            4.2,            7.2          ]        }      },      {        "_index" : "books",        "_type" : "_doc",        "_id" : "database-internals",        "_score" : 1.9005439,        "_source" : {          "isbn13" : "978-1492040347",          "author" : "Alexander Petrov",          "title" : "Database Internals: A deep-dive into how distributed data systems work",          "publisher" : "O'Reilly",          "category" : [            "databases",            "information systems"          ],          "pages" : 350,          "price" : 47.28,          "format" : "paperback",          "rating" : 4.5,          "release_year" : "2019",          "vector_recommendation" : [            3.5,            4.5,            5.2          ]        }      },      {        "_index" : "books",        "_type" : "_doc",        "_id" : "designing-data-intensive-applications",        "_score" : 1.8525991,        "_source" : {          "isbn13" : "978-1449373320",          "author" : "Martin Kleppmann",          "title" : "Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems",          "publisher" : "O'Reilly",          "category" : [            "databases"          ],          "pages" : 590,          "price" : 31.06,          "format" : "paperback",          "rating" : 4.4,          "release_year" : "2017",          "vector_recommendation" : [            5.9,            4.4,            6.8          ]        }      },      {        "_index" : "books",        "_type" : "_doc",        "_id" : "cryptonomicon",        "_score" : 1.7700485,        "_source" : {          "isbn13" : "978-1847249616",          "author" : "Neal Stephenson",          "title" : "Cryptonomicon",          "publisher" : "Avon",          "category" : [            "thriller",            "novel"          ],          "pages" : 1152,          "price" : 6.99,          "format" : "paperback",          "rating" : 4.0,          "release_year" : "2002",          "vector_recommendation" : [            10.0,            4.0,            9.3          ]        }      },      {        "_index" : "books",        "_type" : "_doc",        "_id" : "garbage-collection-handbook",        "_score" : 1.528916,        "_source" : {          "isbn13" : "978-1420082791",          "author" : [            "Richard Jones",            "Antony Hosking",            "Eliot Moss"          ],          "title" : "The Garbage Collection Handbook: The Art of Automatic Memory Management",          "publisher" : "Taylor & Francis",          "category" : [            "programming algorithms"          ],          "pages" : 511,          "price" : 87.85,          "format" : "paperback",          "rating" : 5.0,          "release_year" : "2011",          "vector_recommendation" : [            5.1,            5.0,            1.3          ]        }      }    ]

我们可以看出来 “Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity” 是最贴近的书。我们可以看一下它的recommendation_vector:

          "vector_recommendation" : [            4.0,            4.0,            9.2          ]






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